2025 Update -- Art on the Ave, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the arts within Rochester's Slatterly Park neighborhood, announces that it will no longer hold its annual art festival. This decision follows a hiatus in 2024, during which the volunteer board assessed the event's sustainability.
The administrative demands of organizing the festival have become unmanageable for the current four-member volunteer board. Recognizing that their core mission centers on public art, the board has chosen to redirect efforts toward projects that enhance the neighborhood's artistic landscape. In line with Slatterly Park's designation as Rochester's Arts District, officially recognized by
Mayor Kim Norton in 2019, Art on the Ave is focusing on:
Street Sign Toppers: Developing signage to identify Slatterly Park as the Arts District, celebrating the community's creative spirit.
Public Sculpture Maintenance and Expansion: Evaluating existing public sculptures for maintenance and exploring opportunities to introduce new artworks independently of a festival setting.
Art on the Ave remains committed to its mission of revitalizing Slatterly Park through beautification projects. The organization looks forward to continuing these efforts and invites community members to participate in upcoming initiatives.
Art on the Ave is an annual spring art festival showcasing local artisans and musicians in the Slatterly Park neighborhood of Rochester, MN.
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